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Nu există rezultate ale căutării pentru această frază

A apărut o eroare în timpul căutării. Încercați din nou


Autumn is a period particularly favorable to colds and more serious infections. Small children, whose immune system is not yet well formed are particularly at risk. However, you can take care so as the baby is ill less often. Here are some proven ways to improve his immunity:

Do not overheat

When the temperature drops below 10 degrees many mums would tuck the baby so that you almost can not see him. Overheating the child is the fastest way to a cold. In the beginning it is hard to know whether the baby is properly dressed. I checked Adam's nape during walks to see if was not cold or sweaty. Thus after some time I knew how to adjust his clothes to the weather. During the first walks I followed the principle "one layer of clothing more than me", and when he became mobile I dressed him like myself. When he slept in a pram I covered him with an additional blanket in the autumn and in the winter he was walked in a sleeping bag.

A good way to avoid overheating the child is putting on several layers of clothes that are easy to take off. Therefore during a walk you can adjust the clothes to the temperature and the child's activity.

The usual beginning of cold is head and feet. That is why on a walk your child should always wear a cap and warm and comfortable shoes. The shoes should not pinch, because it makes the feet freeze faster.

The baby can be also too hot not only on a walk but also at home. An apartment and a room should not be like an oven. Recommended air temperature is 21 ˚C. I put a thermometer in Adam's room and I turned the radiator down when it got too hot. I recommend airing the room several times a day and humidifying it - dry air overdries and irritates mucous membranes. You can hang the wet towel on the radiator or buy a humidifier. I also recommend moisturizing the little nose with preparations based on salt water solution. Avoid humidifying the room by hanging wet laundry in the baby's room - the smell of washing powder will irritate him more than it will moisturize the mucous membranes.

During the sleep the baby should be covered with a thin duvet or a cotton blanket. Thick acrylic blankets are not useful indoor and often cause prickly heat on the baby's neck and head.

Make sure the baby has enough sleep

Healthy baby is a well-rested baby. Sleep makes the body regenerate and relax. Thanks to calm sleep at night the baby has enough strength to defend himself against viruses and bacteria, and quicker recovers from an infection.

Take your baby for long walks

If the temperature does not fall below -10 degrees you can take your baby outside without having to worry. Fresh air and exercise is a great way to improve immunity and harden your child. Runny nose is no excuse for staying at home, where dry and stuffy air do not help with better breathing. However, if there is cough and fever, stay at home and let the kid make warm.

Take care of a proper diet

When I was breastfeeding my children were rarely ill. It was due to antibodies and prebiotics contained in the breast milk, which protected them against infections. When I switched to the infant formula I chose the one enriched with prebiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. While broadening the diet I tried to make sure that children had a varied diet containing vitamins, calcium, magnesium and other ingredients essential for their healthy development. Adequate daily serving of fruit and vegetables was a fixed position on the child's menu. Cereal, fish and lean meat are also essential elements of a healthy diet. However, sweets are worth excluding, because they adversely affect the mucous membranes that protect against bacteria and viruses.

Break the vicious circle of infection

If your child is ill and the doctor prescribed an antibiotic, it is necessary to restore proper intestinal flora protecting against infections. Antibiotics weaken and impoverish the body. Beneficial bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract die along with the pathogenic ones. Therefore make use of probiotics during administration of antibiotics and continue taking them after finishing the antibiotic treatment. An older child can eat kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers - these are also full of valuable probiotics.

When the child finishes taking the antibiotics do not send him to a nursery or a kindergarten / weakened body needs a few more days to regenerate and summoning some strength.

If a child catches a cold or a viral infection try to avoid antibiotics (they kill bacteria, not viruses). Take advantage of the natural anti-inflammatory and body strengthening agents such as honey, garlic, onions, raspberries, cranberries. Brews of linden or ginger and raspberry juice are also very good for cough. If the baby has a fever and severe cough for longer than 3 days, consult your doctor.

Infection is not so bad

Although frequent infections of your little one can keep you awake at night, remember that fighting them by a child is like a natural vaccine - child's immune system becomes stronger and effectively protects him against germs.

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