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Nincs keresési eredmény a megadott kifejezésre

Hiba történt a keresés során. Kérjük, próbálja meg újra.


For many women the first trimester of pregnancy is the hardest. Although the pregnancy won't still be visible for a long time, the hormones in your body are already going crazy. Their effects are anything but pleasant: I was sleepy, tired and suffered from nausea. In the first weeks of pregnancy the microscopic egg cell grows to the size of an orange. He also develops the umbilical cord which connects him with his mother's body. Specialists compare the work done by a woman's body during pregnancy to the effort of a mountain climber. So it's no wonder if you are not feeling well during this period.

First month

The earliest symptoms of pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of menstruation, which is why women often don't notice them. About two weeks from conception, your breasts start to feel swollen and tender. Soon after that you may start having nausea. The growing womb puts pressure on your bladder, which might cause the need to urinate more often. However, the most obvious symptoms are: lack of menstruation and the positive pregnancy test.

What's happening inside? The egg is implanting in the uterus and the division begins. At the end of the first month and the baby's head and torso begin to form. On the 25th day his heart starts to beat. At the end of the first month, the embryo is about 1 cm long.

Attention! You should start taking folic acid as soon as possible. It's a vitamine that protects your baby from brain and spinal cord defects. It's best to start taking folic acid even before getting pregnant, but if you didn't, start today. The doctor will prescribe you the proper dosage.

Second month

You may notice a slight rise in your body temperature - it's completely natural. You may also have new pregnancy ailments such as constipation, heartburn and bleeding gums. Fortunately, also positive changes appear: your skin gets prettier, your hair gets thicker and shinier, and your breasts become larger.

What's happening inside? At the end of the second month the baby's legs and hands are developing, and first signs of fingers appear. If your baby is a girl she develops egg cells at this point, and if it's a boy - testicles. A two-months-old foetus is over 2cm long.

Attention! At this point you should make an appointment with your gynaecologist. He'll examine your cervix, set up your pregnancy chart, give the estimated due date and refer you to your first antenatal checks.

Third month

The first trimester ailments begin to pass. You will feel more energetic than in the beginning. During this period, you might also notice that your tummy is more rounded (although for some women pregnancy can become visible only after 5 months). The most pleasant phase of pregnancy is about to begin.

What's happening inside? At the end of the third month, your baby's body has formed completely. His kidneys start to function and his head is covered by downy hair. The fetus is already 7cm long.

Attention! After 12 weeks of pregnancy you should have your first ultrasound scan. You will be able to listen to the baby's pulse (it's a little faster than the pulse rate of an adult, at 120 -1 60 beats per minute). It's good to take the future dad with you to the ultrasound. It'll be an unforgettable moment for him.

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