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Az új életért való felelősség teher lehet - hiszen a szülés mindig valami újat, ismeretlent jelent, és ez nehéz érzelmeket ébreszthet. Megjelenhet az elveszett szabadság érzése vagy a korábbi, gondtalan élet utáni vágyakozás. A negatív érzelmek leküzdéséhez érdemes közelebbről megvizsgálni őket.
Bővebben >Mennyi ideig tart a szülés utáni vérzés? Hogyan kell ilyenkor gondoskodni az intim helyek higiéniájáról? Mi zavarhat minket a szülés alatt? Ismerje meg, hogyan kell megfelelően mosakodni a gyermekágy alatt. Nézze meg, miért nem használhat tampont a szülés utáni vérzés alatt.
Bővebben >Vigyázzon az egészségére! A terhesség nagy kihívás a női test számára. Ez egy olyan időszak, amely során különböző egészségügyi problémák alakulhatnak ki. Tudja meg, hogyan kerülheti el ezeket.
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Try to hold a newborn always in a horizontal position. You can try other positions from time to time, but remember that it's the baby's decision. You shouldn't deviate from the horizontal position unless the baby is feeling safe and comfortable. When he grows, you can start using more vertical positions.
Bővebben >Crying toddler spends all night's eyes awake. They wonder what the boy is still desperately demanding. Crying is a child's way of asking for help and signaling unmet needs. Babies usually cry when they are hungry or wet. They also cry at bedtime if they are excessively tired or agitated, which may make it difficult to fall asleep.
Bővebben >Regardless of whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, he also swallows air while eating, which makes the stomach fill faster and give him a feeling of fullness too soon.
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Cutting nails, regardless of the child's age, is a real fear for every mother. We advise how to do this and how often to cut nails.
Bővebben >Your baby sucks his mum's breast, thumb, the corner of a blanket. Sucking is one of the strongest instincts a baby comes to the world with. When sucking on something, your baby calms down, falls asleep and feels happy and safe.
Bővebben >How often do you have to change breast pads? How to relieve breastfeeding during a food surge. Check what to look for when you are buying breast pads.
Bővebben >When you are preparing your child for a longer night's sleep, try to eliminate the disturbing factors: street lamp lights, rays of the rising sun, flashes of car headlights. Tight curtains or blinds should be found in every children's room. If you live in a busy place, place the baby's bed in a quiet corner instead of by the window.
Bővebben >Crawling is a very important phase in the development of your child. It's not only physical but also mental training for him. Therefore, encourage your baby to crawl, but never force him to it.
Bővebben >Keeping your baby safe is a difficult task. You must constantly be careful and anticipate his intentions. When my baby began to fall from his back to stomach, I had to watch closely whether the toddler fall down from the couch.
Bővebben >Christmas is coming and many of us have a long journey to our family home. We adults are ready for it, but do our children know what awaits them?
Bővebben >Wondering when your child should start talking? Find out what the toddler's stages of speech development are and what should bother you.
Bővebben >Your child is sick, are you wondering whether to give an antibiotic? You consider pros and cons heard "in the sandbox" or on the phone in conversation with your loved ones. Your baby is tiny and you don't want to give him a strong medicine. However, sometimes failing to do so can result in worse consequences.
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