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Žádné výsledky vyhledávání pro danou frázi

Během vyhledávání došlo k chybě. Prosím zkuste to znovu

Canpol babies Chránič prsní bradavky EasyStart malý S 2ks

Symbol: 18/602

Canpol babies Chránič prsní bradavky EasyStart malý S 2ks

Symbol: 18/602


EasyStart silicone nipple shields protect sore nipples during the healing period of irritation, providing the woman with a sense of comfort and enabling her to continue breastfeeding. The shields are made of high-quality silicone that does not contain BPA or other harmful substances – they are safe and suitable for direct contact with breast milk. The soft and delicate silicone fits and adheres perfectly. Using the shields does not change the taste or smell of the milk, making it easy for the baby to accept them while sucking the milk. The soft matt surface of the nipple shield imitates the texture of the mother's skin, which additionally provides the baby with a sense of comfort and closeness. The shields are specially shaped – the upper edge of the shield is slightly narrower, so that the baby can snuggle directly to the mother's breast while breastfeeding, feeling her warmth and the scent of her skin. The silicone nipple shields are available in a special case ideal for storage, but also for quick sterilisation in the microwave, making it easy to keep the shields clean and hygienic. Pack contains 2 pieces.​

Diameter of the nipple hole (at the widest part):​
size S: 15.10 mm​
size M/L: 18.60 mm

  • Bez BPA Product free of Bisphenol A
  • Lze sterilizovat Can be used in steam sterilizer
Přečtěte si více Kolaps

Recommended by a midwife.*

*Katarzyna Orawiec-Rymszewicz – midwife and lactation educator, Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw.

Chrání bolavé a popraskané bradavky, čímž urychlují regeneraci pokožky.

Jsou vyrobeny ze super tenkého silikonu a umožňují bezbolestné kojení.

Horní, mírně užší okraj chrániče bradavek umožňuje miminku obejmout maminčina prsa, cítit vůni její kůže a teplo při kojení.

Jsou bez chuti a zápachu.

Sterilizační pouzdro pro rychlou dezinfekci do 2 minut.

Case for storage and quick sterilisation in the microwave.

Doplňující informace
The nipple protectors are available in two sizes: S (small) and M/L (standard).​
Diameter of the nipple hole at the widest point:​
S small: 15,10 mm​
M/L standard: 18,60 mm​
Instruction on how to sterilize nipple protectors in the sterilizer case:​
NOTE! Failure to follow this instruction may result in burns or damage to the product and/or the microwave oven.​
• Always check the water level in the sterilizer case before use.​
• Two nipple protectors in the sterilizer case can be disinfected at one time.​
• This product is not a toy. Use and store the product out of the reach of children.​
USE 1. Before the first and each subsequent use, wash the sterilizer case in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse thoroughly.​
2. Pour 25 ml of boiled water into the base.​
IMPORTANT Adding too little water may damage the case. Adding too much water may result in inappropriate disinfection.​
3. Put nipple protectors in the sterilizer case.​
4. Put the lid on and close tightly.​
5. Place the closed case in the microwave oven.​
6. For 750-1000 W microwave ovens, the disinfection time is 2 minutes. Do not exceed the disinfection time.​
• The case must be placed on an even surface during disinfection,​
• Always wait at least 5 minutes for the sterilizer case to cool down before removing it from the microwave. Be careful when removing and opening.​
• Pour the remaining water from the sterilizer case through the dedicated hole, rinse and dry it.​
• Take special care when removing disinfected items as they may be hot.​
• Wait 15 minutes before next disinfection to allow the case to coo
l completely.
Jak používat

Keep nipple protectors clean. Before the first and each subsequent use, wash them in warm water with a mild detergent and rinse thoroughly. Disinfect nipple protectors in boiling water for about 3 minutes. Do not wash nipple protectors in the dishwasher. Do not use antibacterial agents for cleaning. Avoid rough, surface-scratching tools during use and cleaning. Nipple protectors can be disinfected in the attached case according to the instructions. Do not leave nipple protectors in direct sunlight or near a source of heat. Apply the protector only on a dry and clean breast. Do not use any creams or Vaseline. Check the product before each use. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness. Do not enlarge the holes and do not create additional holes in nipple protectors, as it may cause damage. Before using the product, it is recommended to consult a midwife or paediatrician. Warning! This product is not a toy. Keep out of reach of children. Clean and dry nipple protectors store in the case. Keep the instructions of use as it contains important information. Batch code is on the packaging.

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Informační klauzule: Správcem vašich osobních údajů je Canpol Sp. z o. o., se sídlem ve Varšavě, ul. Puławska 430, 02-884 Varšava (dále Canpol nebo společnost).

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Máte právo na:
• přístup ke svým osobním údajům a poskytnutí kopie zpracovávaných osobních údajů;
• opravu svých nesprávných údajů;
• odstranění údajů (právo být zapomenut) v případě výskytu okolností uvedených v čl. 17 GDPR;
• na omezení zpracování údajů v případech uvedených v čl. 18 GDPR;
• podání námitky proti zpracování údajů v případech uvedených v čl. 21 GDPR;
• přenositelnost poskytnutých údajů, zpracovávaných automatizovaným způsobem;
• a dále právo kdykoliv odvolat souhlas se zpracováním údajů.
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Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů: E-mail: [email protected]
Canpol Sp. z o. o., se sídlem ve Varšavě, ul. Puławska 430, 02-884 Varšava.