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Немає результатів пошуку для цієї фрази

Під час пошуку виникла помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз.


What should you have with you on a beach on a summer day?

Spare set of clothes: light cap, pants, trousers/ skirt, blouse, jacket. You will need the clothes when:

1. Your child gets into the sea in his clothes, then it is good to have a spare set in your backpack, preventing the baby getting chilled in wet clothes.

2. When the child gets hot running on a beach, a jacket will certainly come handy. When he sits down for a moment without anything on, he may get a cold in the cold wind. Putting on a jacket for a moment may prevent that.

3. A light cap may be useful for the youngest. On a cold day it will protect the head against heat loss. The infant's head is very sensitive, so you must definitely have that accessory with you. On a hot day, on the other hand, the head is at risk of overheating in the sun. I recommend caps or hats with a brim also protecting the face and neck. This spare set of clothes can be used to dress the baby in layers. You can easily put on or remove layers, as the weather changes.

Remember! In case of an older child simply ask from time to time: "Are you warm? Are you cold?" You may feel completely different (e.g., when your child is running around and playing and you are sitting). In case of a younger child, check his nape. When it is wet, covered with sweat, then the child is dressed too warm. Overheating is also unhealthy!

On a warm day it is better to dress the child in one layer less than yourself, because he is active and therefore warm. Spare clothes will come handy in case of an unexpected chilling, which in our climate occurs quite often.

We all scream for ice-cream!

Below there are some tips how to give cold drinks, or even ice-cream to children so they do not get ill on hot days but toughen up (Remember: throat infections are caused by viruses or bacteria. The infection is promoted by changes in the temperature).

1. Gradually get a child used to eating cold food, straight from a fridge. Do not serve all products, drinks or desserts taken from the fridge at a room temperature. The body can react with illness when you give the child something cold to drink suddenly, because he is not accustomed to it.

2. It is better to chill the drink in a fridge than add ice cubes. When you order a drink at a coffee place, ask for a drink chilled in that way, as ice cubes will probably be prepared from unboiled water. It may result not only in problems with your baby's throat but also its tummy.

3. Do not give cold drinks or ice-cream to your baby when he is tired after intensive playing. When he is sweating from running or just came out from a hot room, wait until he cools down before you give him a cold drink or dessert.

4. When you decide to buy ice-cream for your child, order it only in the tried cafe or confectionary. When you buy ice-cream in a shop, select the one in case of which you can be sure that melted ice-cream was not refrozen.

How long can the child stay in water in the summer?

1. On a colder day (a temperature below 20 degrees, windy) take the child out after a few minutes. First baths should not be too long. Additionally, to prevent illness, rub its whole body energetically with a towel (dry the feet thoroughly). When dressed in dry clothes, you can play in a way requiring running. This way you stimulate baby's circulation.

2. With the first baths already behind you, you may allow the child more freedom in water (of course, in a good weather). This will strengthen him. Running into water and out of it may be very beneficial to baby's health. How? The child runs over the warm sand into the water that is colder. Then runs back onto the warm surface. This influences blood vessels, which constrict and dilate with the changing temperature. This "exercise" improves functioning of blood vessels.

3. There is a way to heat the sea water! The first method is to dig a hole in the sand and pour some water in. You can also take an inflatable pool to the beach and pour some water into it. In both cases water will warm quickly and the baby can sit in it for longer. Remember, however, always to screen the child from the sun, particularly, when he is in the water. Therefore, no matter if he plays in a hole dug in the sand or in a pool, or directly on a beach, unfold an umbrella screening him from sunrays.

Water, wind, sun - change them into your ally!

You already know how to dress the baby and what should you take to the beach. Thus prepared, try to use wind, sun and water to toughen the child up before the autumn.

Walk on the beach, even with the youngest. When the baby is correctly dressed, a sea breeze will do him no harm, on a contrary, it will even help in treatment of respiratory tract ailments. Natural inhalations are beneficial for children that are allergic or susceptible to infections. As I have already mentioned, playing in the water will strengthen the child for the autumn and stimulate the blood vessels.

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