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Немає результатів пошуку для цієї фрази

Під час пошуку виникла помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз.


The weather outside is beautiful and you feel like going out. Great! You and your child will relax and have fun out. My child loves being outdoors in fresh air and I find it very relaxing. This way you can spend your time actively and suggest your child some games that can not be organized at home.

Jump into a sandbox!

First expedition to a sandbox and first shared experiences. Philip was very small when I first took him to a sandbox. I knew that he would not play yet as the older children, but my goal was different - showing him a new, interesting place in which he will soon be spending a lot of time. At home my baby loved playing pouring grains from one bowl to another. Thus, equipped for this eventuality with two small buckets, I started pouring the sand. I observed that even touching sand was very interesting for Philip. Then I poured sand through a sieve into his hands evoking his joyful smile. His sense of touch was stimulated but then I thought I might just experiment a bit and I took Philip's socks off. He touched dry and wet sand with his feet. He was also touching some stones he managed to find and played with them.

Treasure hunt

After playing in the sandbox we set off for a treasure hunt walk. Philip was interested in everything: sticks, stones, flowers. Remember, such a walk is sheer pleasure, provided that you control what your child picks up from the ground. If you are with him all the time I am sure you will have good and safe fun. Picking flowers together, first attempts at catching and pulling are all new experiences. You can use a flower, a grass or a leave to tickle various parts of the kid's body. If it is warm and the grass is dry, let your child walk on it barefoot. It is a different surface than sand and it will trigger different tactile sensations. When you come back home watch the gathered "treasures" together and name them. While walking around show your child new things that you do not have at home and name them.

Mischief on a blanket

On weekends we used to go to the park and spread a blanket on the grass. Just then, in the open air, I practised with Philip turning to the side and from back to tummy, bending arms and legs, "bicycle". You can do these exercises at home, but performing them on a soft blanket was much nicer. Sometimes we blew soap-bubbles. I enjoyed watching my son trying to catch them and observing those that managed to escape.

Trip to the ZOO

First trip the the ZOO was very exciting. Before that I had read to Philip books about animals and showed them on the illustrations. But then he were to see them in their natural size. The ZOO, apart from numerous visual stimuli, was also full of auditory ones. We watched one animal after another naming them and imitating their sounds. The day was full of adventures and new experiences. They could be gathered by Philip only by leaving the house.

Activity and toddler development

If you want to play with your child outside and make him happy, you do not have to travel far. Of course a trip to the seaside or to the mountains is a good idea, but remember that for your baby an outing as far as two blocks away, e.g. to a park or a playground is a great adventure full of novelties.

Crawling, rolling, walking, and outdoor games affect both physical and mental development of the child. Outside you can play games which can not be played indoors thus enriching your stock of activities. The little one learns new things, new people and the environment in a nice atmosphere, and you and your family, thanks to spending time outdoors, also have the opportunity to rest and relax.

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