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There are many myths surrounding breastfeeding. Midwife and lactation educator Katarzyna Orawiec-Rymszewicz deals with six of them. Learn the often repeated myths about breastfeeding. 

Are you planning to breastfeed and you feel afraid that you will encounter obstacles or make mistakes by following false claims repeated by your family or friends? You're not the only one who has trouble distinguishing truth from falsehood. I often tell my patients what popular myths they should watch out for: 

1.Breastfeeding is difficult 

It is not difficult, but requires commitment and a positive attitude from the mother's side. The beginning is not always easy, you should stick to the advice of medical experts who help in the correct latching of the baby to the breast and surround yourself with people who support the nursing mothers. Breastfeeding is as natural as walking, but everyone had to learn it and fell a few times. 

2.When feeding in hot weather, I have to give water to the baby 

Wrong, expanding the child's diet should start from the age of 6 months, which means that for the first 6 months of life, we do not give the child anything other than the breast milk (or medications prescribed by a pediatrician). Breast milk adapts to the baby's needs and is fed more often in hot weather to satisfy the baby's thirst. 

Discover the advantages of ExpressCare double breast pump with a nasal aspirator>>

3. I will lose my teeth while breastfeeding 

A myth that, in part, with the lack of proper knowledge, may become true. 
You should be aware that the mother provides the baby with vitamins and microelements, including calcium, while breastfeeding. Currently, there are many preparations for lactating mothers on the market and there are no recommendations to follow a strict diet during breastfeeding, unless indicated by a medical expert. Mom should remember about regular check-ups with the dentist.

4. I cannot take any medications while breastfeeding 

Myth, mother's treatment should not be withheld while breastfeeding. Most medications are accepted while breastfeeding. However, you should consult your doctor, do not take anything on your own, and when we go for a visit, inform that we are breastfeed the baby. 

5. Expressing milk with a breast pump hurts 

Nothing could be further from the truth. A well-chosen breast pump and expressing milk with it should not cause any difficulties or pain for the mother. What is important when choosing a breast pump: first of all, a properly selected funnel that should fit well to the breast and the two-phase function, i.e. the natural reproduction of the baby's sucking rhythm. Equally important is that the breast pump has a wide range of modes to properly adapt the strength of expressing milk. It is worth paying attention to all these aspects when choosing a breast pump. 


Check why midwife and lactation educator Katarzyna Orawiec-Rymszewicz recommends ExpressCare breast pump>>


6. I won't get pregnant while breastfeeding 

Myth/Truth The LAM method (lactational amenorrhea method) was developed in 1988 based on 13 studies in 8 countries and has been recognized as an ecological method of family planning. Infertility during lactation is a natural state of blocked ovarian function. 
All conditions should be met for the method to be effective and to reduce the chance of getting pregnant again 
- The baby is less than 6 months old 
- 6 or more feedings per day 
- The child is exclusively breastfed, it is allowed to drink 2 times a day and fed other foods once a day 
- After 56 days after childbirth, the mother had no period or spotting 
- Avoid long breaks between feedings (more than 4 hours) and do not extend the night feeding break (more than 6 hours) 
- Avoid giving a soother, watering and feeding the child 
- The baby should be able to suckle on the the breast effectively 


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