Canpol babies Silicone Soother Light touch 18m+ Symmetrical GOLD 2 pcs pink
Symbol: 22/666_pinCanpol babies Silicone Soother Light touch 18m+ Symmetrical GOLD 2 pcs pink
Symbol: 22/666_pinLight touch soothers are recommended by experts as your baby's first soother.* Exceptionally light, so as not to pressure the child’s the bite, which, in the opinion of 93% of neurological speech therapists, has a significant importance for the proper development of the child's oral cavity.* Symmetrical soother adapts well to the child's mouth regardless of method of placement, and its shape is considered the most physiological.
Exceptionally soft nipple requires less effort when sucking, which makes it easier for the baby to accept the soother. The nipple is made of 100% hypoallergenic and safe silicone, it is odorless and tasteless. Specially profiled shield allows the baby to breathe freely through the nose and minimizes the soother's imprints on the baby's delicate face. Additional ventilation openings allow the skin to breathe and prevent skin irritation. Comfortable handle of the soother makes it easier to give it to the child and allows you to attach a soother chain or ribbon that will protect the soother from being lost or falling to the ground and getting dirty.
Canpol Light touch silicone soother is easy to clean, thanks to the case that can be used both for storage and for quick and convenient sterilization in a microwave oven. Just a little water and 2 minutes are enough to keep the pacifiers hygienically clean. Canpol Light touch soother is durable and resistant to deformation. No BPA or other harmful substances were used in production. Canpol Light touch symmetrical silicone soother is recommended for children aged 18m+ months. The soother is available in two colors and different sizes – it grows with your baby.
*Based on a survey conducted by Canpol Sp. z o.o. among the group of 25 neurological speech therapists in 2020.
Product free of Bisphenol A
Suggested age from 18 months

Extremely light – recommended as the first baby’s soother by 88% of nurological speech therapists!*
In the opinion of 93% of neurological speech therapists*, a light shield does not pressure the bite and has a significant importance on the development of the child's oral cavity.
*Based on a survey conducted by Canpol Sp. z o.o. among the group of 25 neurological speech therapists in 2020.

„Light touch soother meets all neurologopedic criteria for selecting the best first soother for your child.„
Marcelina Przeździw – neurological therapist, university lecturer.

Exceptionally soft nipple requires less effort when sucking – it makes it easier for the baby to accept the soother.

Nipple is made of 100% hypoallergenic and safe silicone, odorless and tasteless.

Silicone nipple is durable and resistant to deformation.

Contoured shape under the nose ensures free breathing.

Modern case for quick and convenient sterilization in a microwave oven.

Designed by European designers and manufactured in European Union.
Terméket első használat előtt főzze ki forró vízben 5 percig. Ezután hűtés után nyomja ki a maradék vizet. Minden használat előtt mossa meg langyos vízzel a cumit. Öblítse forralt vízzel. A cumit lehet gőz- vagy elektromos sterilizálóban vagy a mellékelt tokban fertőtleníteni az adott utasításoknak megfelelően. A tisztításhoz ne használjon antibakteriális vagy abrazív tisztítószereket. A túl magas tisztítószer-koncentrációk károsíthatják a műanyag alkotóelemeket. A cumisüveg mosogatógépben nem mosható. Ne mártsa a cumit édes folyadékba vagy gyógyszerekbe, mert ez fogszuvasodást okozhat. A baba kényelme és biztonsága érdekében cserélje le a cumit minden 1-2 hónapban. Ha a gyermek egész cumit szájába veszi, NE pánikoljon. A cumi úgy van kialakítva, hogy a baba ne tudja lenyelni. Amint észreveszi, hogy a baba az egész cumit a szájába tette, lehetőleg óvatosan távolítsa el. Tárolja a cumit tiszta, száraz és zárt tokban. Javasoljuk, hogy 3 éves korig szoktassa le gyermekét a cumi használatáról.

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