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Žiadne výsledky vyhľadávania pre daný výraz

Pri vyhľadávaní sa vyskytla chyba. Skúste to znova


Each prospective mother knows the importance of healthy eating during pregnancy.  But this is not as simple as it sounds ... While expecting a child you are exposed to many temptations, and the typical pregnancy cravings do not make it easy to stick to the healthy eating habits.

Of course, if you do feel like a pizza or a delicious eclair, eating those titbits from time to time makes no harm. Before pregnancy you have certainly eaten sweets sometimes or have gone to your favourite pizzeria, so do not give up each and every pleasure.

Common sense is the most important here. You can eat whatever you want, but in moderation. Just because you are pregnant does not mean that you need to eat for two. During pregnancy you should gain 10-15 kg, and not 35. You can have much bigger appetite, but try to pay attention to how much and what you eat. In fact, your body needs only about 300-500 calories more during pregnancy!

Try to eat regularly, at fixed times. Do not forget about a decent breakfast, a hot lunch and a hearty dinner. Eat small but valuable snacks between main meals. 5-6 regular meals a day will provide you and your baby with the right amount of energy for the proper development

During pregnancy your organism need a lot more nutrients. Iron, folic acid, calcium, iodine and vitamin B6 are necessary for proper fetal development. You need them 50-80% more than before pregnancy. Your doctor will probably prescribe special vitamin supplements for pregnant women, but eating the right products you can deliver the right ingredients to you and your baby in a natural way.

Fruit and vegetables

According to the doctors you should eat at least a kilo of fruit and vegetables per day. They should appear in your diet a few times per day. They are a mine of health. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. They provide energy, regulate the intestinal metabolism, improve the functioning of the nervous system, eyes, and lower blood pressure. One of their component, vitamin C, facilitates iron absorption. Another component, fibre, helps with constipation. This is quite a common ailment in pregnant women, thus bees, plums, pears and apples should enter your diet on a permanent basis.

Eating your breakfast sandwich do not forget about a tomato slice or a radish. In the afternoon eat a freshly prepared salad, and instead of a donut or a candy bar make a cocktail of now plentiful fresh fruit (remember to wash fresh vegetables and fruit thoroughly before eating). Do not forget some snacks while going out. Slip a banana, dried apricot or an apple into your purse. If you fancy something to eat you will be able to satisfy it with a healthy snack.


Dairy is very important, especially in the second trimester. Child's bones begin to form and the body shows much greater demand for calcium. If you do not provide yourself with the appropriate amount of calcium, your baby will take it from your body and this may results in problems with teeth.

Try to drink at least 3 glasses of milk a day, because milk contains B vitamins, so much needed calcium and complete protein. If for some reason you do not like it, you should eat dairy products: yogurt, cheese, kefir or cottage cheese. The best are natural products, without artificial additives. You can always add a few squashed strawberries or sliced peaches, thus creating a perfect and above all valuable meal.


Fish, meat, poultry and eggs

All of them are extremely important in the daily diet of the future mum.

The best is sea fish. The fatter the better as the fish contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids and valuable protein. Eat fish 2-3 times a week. I do recommend steamed or foil-baked fish. Prepared this way it does not lose so many nutrients and is much more healthy than fried heavy fish.

Poultry meat is very important because it is a source of protein, and red meat will provide you with iron necessary during pregnancy.

You should eat three eggs a week, but you'd better give up fried eggs or kogel-mogel in favour of hard-boiled eggs as raw eggs can be a source of Salmonella.  Do not forget to wash or scald the eggs in hot water before breaking them.

Try to buy meat and fish from reliable sources.  Remember not to eat any raw products. Everything should be boiled, baked or alternatively fried. This will protect you from dangerous microorganisms that can pose a threat to the developing foetus.  Beware of the so-called food remnants. Do not eat a few days old soup or a week-forgotten ham. Try to prepare fresh meals. If you want to eat out choose a reliable restaurant and not seldom frequented fast-food, because it is much easier to get something bad in such a place.

Cereals, rice, pasta

This is the basis of the mum-to-be diet. Cereal products provide a lot of energy and support the bowel functioning. They are an excellent source of fibre, B vitamins, potassium and magnesium.

You should choose wholegrain pasta, because it is much healthier than the standard one. Try to enrich your diet in bran, muesli, groats, cereals and rice, preferably wild or brown. The vitamins and minerals contained there will help your body throughout the whole pregnancy.

Water and juices

Drink as much and as often as possible. Expectant mother should drink at least 1.5 - 2 litres of fluid a day.  Try to choose water because it is the healthiest.  I do not recommend juices, unless you make them on your own from fresh fruit, as the bought juices unfortunately contain a lot of sugar. Definitely avoid carbonated high-sugar beverages. This is the source of empty calories. Try to reduce to minimum coffee and strong tea, and definitely avoid alcohol, because even the smallest amount can have a negative impact on fetal development.

Remember! While you are pregnant you should significantly reduce your salt intake because salt retains water in the body and it may lead to swelling.  Expecting mums suffering from high blood pressure should take special care.

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