Canpol babies Edukatívna podložka BabiesBoo
Symbol: 68/094Canpol babies Edukatívna podložka BabiesBoo
Symbol: 68/094Canpol babies sensory educational mat Tummy Time for lying on the tummy from BabiesBoo collection is a safe and pleasant way to keep the child involved and allows the parent to have some time for themselves or do household chores. The mat is exceptionally large and soft - 130 x 95 cm will provide your little one with comfort and safety. Canpol babies educational mat is easy to fold with a comfortable handle, which makes it easy to carry, so you can create a child's space wherever you need it. Large mirror encourages and extends tummy time, during which the baby can explore different parts of the mat every time. The large number of sensory elements engage the child's senses: sight, hearing and touch. Various material textures, contrasting colors and patterns, and gentle sounds are great entertainment for your baby's developing senses from the first moments of life. Canpol babies sensory educational mat will help ensure the proper motor skills of every child. The mat is machine washable.
Môže sa používať od narodenia

Detský priestor všade tam, kde ho potrebujeme.

Odporúčané fyzioterapeutom *
*Magdalena Zujewicz – detská fyzioterapeutka, vychovávateľka a SI terapeutka.

Výnimočne veľká a mäkká podložka poskytne vášmu bábätku pohodlie a bezpečie.

Veľké zrkadlo vzbudí záujem bábätka a predĺži dobu strávenú v ľahu na brušku.

Veľa prvkov zapájajúcich detské zmysly: zrak, sluch a hmat.

Ľahko sa skladá vďaka pohodlnej rukoväti, ktorá uľahčuje prenášanie.

Kontrastné farby a vzory podporujú rozvoj zraku dieťaťa.

Podporuje rozvoj hmatu a precvičuje manuálne zručnosti.

Rozvíja koordináciu ruka-oko a sluchovo-motorickú koordináciu.

Možno prať v práčke.

Ideálne pre deti od prvých okamihov života.

Crawling is a very important phase in the development of your child. It's not only physical but also mental training for him. Therefore, encourage your baby to crawl, but never force him to it.
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