Canpol babies Plyšová edukačná hracia deka s hrazdičkou SAFARI 0m+
Symbol: 81/101Canpol babies Plyšová edukačná hracia deka s hrazdičkou SAFARI 0m+
Symbol: 81/101-
Môže sa používať od narodenia

Je vybavená 5 hračkami, ktoré sa dajú ľahko rozložiť.
Rozmery deky v rozloženom stave: 80 x 80 cm.
Výška oblúkov v mieste pripojenia: 47 cm.
Spôsob čistenia je uvedený na štítku.
Deku okrem zrkadla a oblúkov perte v práčke pri maximálnej teplote 30°C šetrným režimom.
POZOR! Pred hraním zostavte všetky prvky hračky. Montáž si vyžaduje dospelú osobu. Aby ste predišli uduseniu, držte plastové vrecko mimo dosahu dojčiat a detí.

Wondering when your child should start talking? Find out what the toddler's stages of speech development are and what should bother you.
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Crawling is a very important phase in the development of your child. It's not only physical but also mental training for him. Therefore, encourage your baby to crawl, but never force him to it.
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When you are preparing your child for a longer night's sleep, try to eliminate the disturbing factors: street lamp lights, rays of the rising sun, flashes of car headlights. Tight curtains or blinds should be found in every children's room. If you live in a busy place, place the baby's bed in a quiet corner instead of by the window.
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